

I am a member of O2MS, led by Braiana Cavion. 

She has put together a circular program in the structure of 22 Gates which she formulated after decades of work and used to put herself back together after getting free of a Narcissistic relationship.

She is a powerful healer who does not put herself up on a pedestal and vulnerably shares both her trails and successes. 

Here is my personal invite link to join the Mystery School which has many resources the main of which is a weekly 1 1/2 hour live video call for $33 a month. 

Invite Link:  O2MS

Ayahuasca and shamanic training

I have heard it said that you are not the same person before and after drinking Ayahuasca. There is a price to be paid to birth new life. Why not birth the best new life possible? There are dietary and other restrictions surrounding Ayahuasca that are just plain impossible to follow on your own as a beginner. It is much easier to follow the diet and energetic cleaning practices when one is completely immersed in nature with everything provided for you that is supportive and the removal of distractions such as the internet.

If someone is considering trying Ayahuasca, I put out there to consider your first experience to be a 1 week Mixed Ayahuasca retreat at Yosi Ocha. It is just south of Iquitos Peru.

The treatment here is unique as Maestro Hereberto is Independent of the Shapibo Organisation.

It is my personal opinion that it would be better to order the medicinal off the internet and drink it by yourself in your backyard at night with zero training than to allow a poorly trained individual to serve you.

Training to serve Ayahuasca is a minimum of many years under the guidance of a Maestro.

Maestro Hereberto grew up in a Shapibo family with the culture of Ayahuasca and he was trained as a child from the age of 8 years old. His grandfather’s Shapibo name was Oosi Ocha and he is in the Maraya’s lineage, which is a teaching of love and family.

This is the retreat center that I personally attend and I invite you to experience the magick that I found there.

Ceremonial Magick

Ceremonial Magick has been part of my life since I was a teenager and I have belonged to many groups over the years.

While I credit being off psychiatric medications since 1996 primarily as a result of learning and practicing the system of magick created by the Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn it is not the practice that I generally recommend, especially to beginners. It works yes, but it is unwieldy to the beginner and requires a lot of memorization and dedication of time that most people simply do not have.

I will share what I feel is an eclectic course for self-study that can have profound effects and allow you to quickly create the change in your life you desire.

The Golden Dawn system of magick can really vary quite a bit depending on which authors you read and which group you look into, as there are many different Golden Dawn orders, each with it’s own specialty.

The goal is to be free, in your body and life from the issues that are in your zodiacal birth chart. This is accomplished through systematically invoking all the elemental, zodiacal, and planetary energies, aligning them with their Kabalistic hierarchies for governance and then balancing them within your aura.

If that sounds complicated, well, that’s ceremonial magick for you. It is a serious undertaking to complete.

If you are really interested in the actual group that I belong to, here is the link:

Gallery Of Magick

For someone interested into getting into magick without much previous experiance I generally recommend the books by The Gallery Of Magick.

Magickal Protection by Damon Brand is the first book I would recommend someone do the work out of if they are interested in magick, and the second would be Success Magick by Damon Brand.

The rituals in these books generally can be done in only a few minutes and are very practical in nature.

Michael Harner and the Foundation For Shamanic Studies

I got my first exposure to medicine as a teenager as a participant of a Black Foot Medicine man named John Iron Eagle. I would go and sit with him by the fire as he heated the stones and said prayers in support of vision questers that were out on different hilltops in the area. I was a lifeguard at a cub scout camp that “shared” the property.

In 1991 I was in Desert Storm and my Grandmother mailed me the book Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda. I attempted the meditations as described in the book but I believe they required Peyote to accomplish with real success.

The next exposure that I had was in 1992 with the book The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner and that is when my journeying really began.

If you have interest in shamanism I’d say this book is foundational. Michael Harner was an Anthropologist and is the one who made contact with the Shapibo-Conibo people in the Pulculpa area of Peru. He details his Ayahuasca journey in it. He may have been the first Westerner to drink Ayahuasca.

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies carries on his legacy and teaches a Sonically Driven set of shamanic practices. This means the practices do not require psychedelic substances.

I recommend anyone interested in Shamanism to read The Way of the Shaman, and either have someone drum for you as you journey and gain sober experience in non-ordinary reality or order one of the drum tracks off their website and use headphones.

Their courses are surprisingly inexpensive compared to the myriad of retreats on the market, and are very powerful.